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Project Report - E waste Recycling



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Conscience over profit? Not business as usual


New Delhi, July 27 (IANS) The nature of entrepreneurship is no longer the same. A semblance of conscience, innovation and growing desire to impact the grassroots have crept into many young Indian businesses, adding a touch of heart to the aggress...

10% of daily garbage is plastic

27th Jul 2011 - The Times of India

AHMEDABAD: At least 10 per cent of themunicipal wastegenerated in Ahmedabad every day, is plastic. The city generates around 2,600 tonnes of waste daily. A study conducted in August last year revealed that over 10 per cent of th...

Night-time cleaning to end garbage nightmare

27th Jul 2011 - The Times of India

AHMEDABAD: In the next three months, a small army of workers in uniforms will be spending the nights cleaning Ahmedabad's streets. But before you witness this 'Surat phenomenon', theAhmedabad Municipal Corporation(AMC) is trying to so...

Migrant workers under AMC's scanner for malaria prevention

27th Jul 2011 - The Times of India

AHMEDABAD: Migrant workers at construction sites would be monitored closely following the drive against risingmalariacases in the city. The health department ofAhmedabad Municipal Corporation(AMC) would be intensifying surveillan...

Top 10 most polluted places in the world

26th Jul 2011 - The Telegaph

The Russian region of Chelyabinsk, blighted by decades of nuclear waste dumping and accidents, has embarked on a controversial campaign to clean up its image on the internet. Here is a list of the ten most polluted places in the world. ...

India is not a dumping ground of E-wastes, says CBEC

26th Jul 2011 - Institute of International Trade

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Whether it is in a school, in a business organization or even in a shopping store, you will find computers everywhere. And that leads us to the fact that the IT sector is one of the fastest gr...

Ministry of environment tells HC it accepts expert panel report on Lavasa

31st Mar 2011 - The Times Of India

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times N...

Gujarat, a role model in disaster management: NDMA

24th Jan 2011 - Dailybhaskar

Gandhinagar: "Gujarat has become a role model for other states in the area of disaster management and preparedness," said B Bhattacharjee, member of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Saturday at the international symposium on e...

Decision on POSCO steel mill in Orissa on Jan 31: Ramesh

24th Jan 2011 - Moneycontrol

A final decision on granting green clearances for South Korean steelmaker POSCO's steel mill in India's eastern Orissa state will be made on January 31, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said. Disclosing further, Ramesh said that th...

Ramesh has a new idea to speed up forest clearances

25th Jan 2011 - Rediff

Facing flak from industries over alleged delay in projects due to green rules, Environment Ministry on Monday came out with a new proposal of "compensatory afforestation" to help them get early forest clearances. After a closed...


  • Esquare Consultants
  • AM Ozonic Pvt. Ltd
  • Tesla Environmental Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.
  • Patels Airtemp (India) Ltd
  • Greentek India Pvt Ltd.
Project Report - E waste Recycling
NMPatel membrane filter press
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling